The episode begins with the Merton family moving into their new place, not far from their old house. Our protagonist, Kat [Played by a baby
Tag: R.L. Stine

We begin exactly where Part 1 left off, with Casey about to be attacked by the plant tendril! It squeezes him in its death grip,

We begin with Margaret and Casey Brewer’s mother getting ready to visit a sick relative for a few days, but Margaret’s not exactly looking forward

We begin with our protagonist, Larry Boyd, being chased down the street by a bunch of dogs. It’s a common occurrence and Larry hasn’t the

Tagline: Happy holidays—you’re dead! Back tagline: Don’t open that present! Summary: If only Reva Dalby had listened to that warning. But beautiful, cold Reva won’t

Another episode based on a sequel where the predecessor was never adapted for television, but this one makes even less sense to have the same

The book this episode is based on is actually a sequel, so I’m not too sure why they’ve made this one before the original, or

We begin with protagonist Jerry playing make-believe in his brand new house and talking about himself in third person when he hears music coming from

We begin with our main character, Brooke, waking up from a nightmare about the Phantom, the antagonist of the school play Brooke’s just scored the

We pick up where the previous episode left off, with Billy, Jay and Colin hiding in the cabin. My prediction of it not being Sabre