Goosebumps: Welcome to Camp Nightmare Part 1

The episode begins with a busload of kids heading to Camp Night Moon. The bus driver suddenly stops in the middle of nowhere, exits the vehicle and starts throwing everyone’s bags off the bus. The kids jump off to suss out just what he thinks he’s doing and among them is this super cool guy who I’ll refer to as Sunglasses until we learn his name:

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The driver ignores their questions and protests, jumps back on the bus and drives away, leaving the kids in the dust. Before they can work out what to do, they hear something growling and notice a canine-like creature in the surrounding trees. Suddenly there’s an explosion where the creature is, and Uncle Al, the camp director, appears, holding some kind of gun [It didn’t hurt the monster though, and it looks like a flare gun so i have no idea what kind of weapon this is]. He explains that Sabre, the monster, won’t bother the campers as long as they stick to the trails before leading them to the camp [Why the hell didn’t the driver just take them there in the first place?].

On the way, we learn that our protagonist is Billy, who explains to his new female friend Dawn that it’s his first time at Camp Night Moon. She assures him her parents researched camps before sending her away, and this is the best one [The bus didn’t even take you to the camp and you’ve already come across a monster, it can’t be that great]. At the camp, the girls are separated from the boys and follow counsellor Martha to their camp [So the main camp consists of two smaller, gendered camps? Like I get splitting them up for the cabins, but this seems weird to me].

As Uncle Al leads the boys to their bunks, he lays out the camp rules: no leaving your bunks at night and sneaking out anywhere; the girls’ camp is completely out of bounds because “girls are not part of this program”; lights out are at 9pm, and wake up is at 6am; and the most important rule of all is to write home to their parents every single day [That’s a stupid rule]. Uncle Al promises that they’ll have the best night of their lives if they follow his rules.

They pass what Uncle Al calls the Forbidden Bunk, which got its name “because it’s forbidden, so stay clear!” [Hahahahaha great explanation. Nosy bloody kids]. The boys get settled into their cabin where Billy notices “Sabre is hungry” written on the wall next to his bunk. Sunglasses explains no-one knows much about Sabre, but he apparently “got two kids last summer” [Dawn was definitely lying, cheeky girl].

Then Mike, another camper in Billy’s cabin, is bitten by a snake that’s sitting on his bed. Billy and Sunglasses bravely grab the bed sheet, trap the snake inside and throw the whole thing out the window. Their counsellor barges in, demanding to know who threw the sheet out the window and introducing himself like this:

[The name’s Loser] The boys try to explain Mike’s injury, but Larry just tells him to wash it off while he gets a bandage [Larry has no interest in these kids already hahaha]. The campers protest that he needs proper medical attention and want to take him to the nurse, but unfortunately for Mike, Uncle Al doesn’t run a camp for wimps, so there is no nurse. Again, Larry tells them to wash Mike’s arm and wrap it up.

We cut to later that night when everyone’s singing around the campfire, except for Mike who is resting against a tree. Billy’s a nice guy so leaves the campfire to check on him, and learns that Mike’s arm is swollen and he’s “numb up and down my whole side”. Uncle Al notices Billy talking during the camp song, which is apparently not allowed, so he storms over and demands to know what’s so important.

After accosting Larry for not informing him of Mike’s injury, Uncle Al grabs his arm, pleased when Mike winces in pain because it means he still has feeling in it. Al explains that he’s seen all sorts of bites in the 23 years he’s run the camp, and this one is nothing to worry about, promising the pain and swelling will be gone by morning [There’s something suss about the way he says it. Something’s gonna happen to Mike overnight for sure]. He then rewards Billy with the honour of being “number one camper” for the night because he helped a friend, and that’s what Camp Night Moon is all about [Chuck that on the resume, Billy!].

Later that night, Billy and his cabin-mates sneak out to explore the Forbidden Bunk [Ooky spooky!]. Billy’s not keen on the idea, but reluctantly follows along after some peer pressure. Unbeknownst to them, Sabre is watching from the trees!

We then cut to the next morning at wake-up time, where Billy notices Mike is missing along with all of his stuff [Also it looks like Sunglasses also sleeps in his bandana hahaha]. Outside the cabin, Billy finds the bandage from Mike’s injured arm and searches the nearby forest, where he bumps into the creepy man? The creeper tells Billy that Larry sent him to tell the cabin to get to the lodge for breakfast ASAP.

At the lodge, Larry refuses to explain Mike’s whereabouts, only telling the boys Mike’s not there, “so I guess maybe he’s somewhere else”. The boys decide Uncle Al must have sent Mike home because of his injuries, but Billy still feels uneasy because why didn’t Larry just say that [Because he’s a flog, Billy!].

It’s time for a game of baseball now, but Billy is still preoccupied with Mike’s disappearance. Uncle Al tells him “don’t make mountains out of mole hills” and suggests he just play ball, since he’s at camp to have fun. During the game, Sunglasses manages to get to third base before Larry can catch him out, but Larry still reckons Sunglasses didn’t make it in time. Uncle Al overrules Larry’s opinion, declaring Sunglasses safe, and Larry absolutely cracks it [What is wrong with this guy lol].

The next batter hits the ball and as Sunglasses [Who’s name is Colin! I’ll stick with the nickname though because I’m mad it took so long to give us his name] runs to home base, Larry grabs the ball and piffs it at his head, breaking those trendy little sunglasses in the process [The end of an era! Guess I’ll call him Colin from now on]. Billy accuses Larry of doing it on purpose, but Larry argues the ball slipped out of his hand [Hahahaha no-one believes that, my dude. You literally threw it]. Uncle Al agrees that it’s not Larry’s fault because Uncle Al’s as suss as the rest of the counsellors, and orders Billy to take the injured boy to the lodge for some ice. Uncle Al also mentions that tonight is the beginning of Survival Night, where each night a different cabin will sleep in tents under the starts, and Billy’s cabin’s up first [Lucky boys!].

Later that night in the tent he shares with the sleeping Colin, [Who is definitely concussed and should not be sleeping, right?], Billy’s writing a letter to his parents, detailing all the strange things that have been going on, but suggesting that maybe he’s just nervous because it’s his first time at camp.

Jay and Roger, the joker of the group [Who’s name we are only learning now for some reason], try to convince Billy to check out the Forbidden Bunk with them again, but Billy opts to stay behind with Colin in case he needs something [Aw, Billy is so sweet!]. A short while later, Billy wakes to Sabre’s growls and leaves the tent to investigate. He quickly runs into Jay, who’s terrified because Sabre “tore Roger to pieces”. They return to the tent for Colin, who seems to be in some sort of trance, saying “Sabre is coming. Sabre is hungry.” The boys drag him from the tent and carry him to their cabin, closely followed by Sabre. As they hide inside, the door bursts open and the episode ends with a cheeky cliffhanger [I bet it’s not even Sabre that opens the door either].

I’ll give my final thoughts at the end of Part 2, so come back Wednesday to find out who Sabre will get next!

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