Goosebumps: Stay Out of the Basement Part 2

We begin exactly where Part 1 left off, with Casey about to be attacked by the plant tendril! It squeezes him in its death grip, but Margaret comes to the rescue and it slips back through the basement window.

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Dr. Brewer appears and scolds them for being near the window, denying that any argument took place between him and Dr. Marek. He accuses Margaret of spying on him again [Even though it was Casey at the window] and he’s not impressed. Remembering what Margaret said earlier, Casey asks their father if he’s a mad scientist, and Mr. Brewer hits them with a raging “No, I’m an angry scientist!” [Hahahaha so stupid but so funny] and sends them to their rooms. Down in the basement later, we see Dr. Brewer unlocking a cupboard and forcing an unseen, struggling figure to take something from a syringe [Is it Dr. Marek?!?!].

Later that night, Casey and Margaret are woken by the sounds of their father putting a lock on the basement door. He tells them he locked the basement window from the inside too, then heads out for a few hours. Margaret searches for the contact number their mother left, but it’s not by the telephone anymore. They search their parents room, thinking Dad has hidden it, but have no luck.

The phone rings and they let the answering machine get it. It’s Dr. Marek’s wife, who hasn’t seen her husband since he left for the Brewer’s house. Dad comes home [That was like 10 minutes, not a few hours lol] and Casey distracts him while Margaret tries to reorganise the room and answering machine. Dad suspects something fishy and orders Casey to his room again, then looks around his own room as Margaret hides under the bed. There’s worms all over the carpet for some reason, and at one point Dad drops a wallet, which we see is Dr. Marek’s!

Dad leaves again and Casey returns to Dad’s room, and Margaret notices something moving beneath the bed covers. It’s a pile of worms [Yucky!]. Sick of all these shenanigans, the siblings decide to end it once and for all. Armed with weedkiller, they break the lock on the basement door with a crowbar and head down, where they see that all the plants have grown. They notice a moving hand growing from some soil, but they’re not as concerned by it as I would be [They’re just like “Oh gross, let’s move on”].

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The plant that grabbed Margaret last time, which now has a face developing within in, attacks them again, but Casey fights it off with the weedkiller. They hear knocking coming from a cupboard and open it to find their father tied up and gagged [Kinky, hehe]. Casey’s doesn’t believe it’s really their dad since they just saw him leave earlier, but Margaret ungags him to get an explanation first. Dad explains he’s been trapped down there the last few days and the man they’ve been living with is a plant copy!

For some reason they don’t immediately believe him [He doesn’t have leaves growing from his head and he’s been locked in a cupboard, why is it so hard to believe he’s your real dad?], but Margaret eventually unties him. He picks up the crowbar and stands their menacingly, ignoring his kids when they ask if he actually is their real father [What’s the point in being so suss? Just answer them!].

Then the other Dad comes down the stairs [I’ll call him Plant Dad from now on to avoid confusion] accusing Basement Dad of being the plant, an experiment that went wrong. Basement Dad argues that Plant Dad is the dangerous one, trying to make plant copies of them all. Casey isn’t sure who to believe, so Margaret snatches the weedkiller and threatens to spray both of them [Just do it, it’s not like it’s gonna kill the human version right?].

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Each dad attempts to convince the kids that he’s the real human, and when Basement Dad calls Margaret Princess, she douses Plant Dad in the weedkiller and he dissolves down into nothing before their eyes. Casey asks how she knew who was real, and she replies that only her dad calls her Princess [That’s some sketchy logic to base a life-threatening decision on, but I guess we’ll just assume Plant Dad didn’t know about the nickname, even though he seems to know other things].

Sometime later [Long enough for mum to have come home], Dr. Brewer, who’s shaved his head to get rid of the leaves growing out of it [I guess it really was a side effect of the experiment lol. Weird though], loads his basement plants into Dr. Marek’s car so they can do more research elsewhere. Dr. Marek thanks them for getting him out of the basement closet, and Margaret wants to know how everything happened in the first place.

Mr. Brewer explains that the accidentally cut his hand and some of his blood got mixed with some plant molecules, resulting in a plant-human hybrid [That seems like a very easy way to create an artificial life form lol] He created a plant that was an exact copy of him, and thinks it was planning on making copies of them all!

After Dr. Marek leaves, everyone heads inside for lunch, but Margaret stops at the stairs to tie her shoelace. The episode ends with the flowers in the pot next to her talking, claiming to be her real father [Hahahaha love it].

Final Thoughts

Definitely an improvement over My Hairiest Adventure, but I feel like we didn’t see enough of the evil plant action or Plant Dad becoming more plant-like. Most of the scares came from Plant Dad being super intimidating towards the kids, and it’s a scary idea to be stuck living along with someone who felt like a complete stranger, especially if you’re a kid and can’t do anything about it.

60 leaves growing from a scalp out of 70!

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