Am I excited for more Monster Blood? Not really. Am I excited to hear this iconic theme song again? Yes.

So this is less of a sequel and more of a direct continuation of the previous episode, so I’m not sure why we don’t have a Part 1 and Part 2 situation. Maybe they just wanted to be clever with the title! Whatever the case, the episode begins where the first one left off, with our boy Evan on a plane to Atlanta to meet his parents. The boy next to him, Curtis, asks if his story about the Monster Blood is really true, which is overheard from across the aisle by meathead Conan, who demands to know what he’s talking about. On the other side of Curtis is Julia [Lucky gal has the window seat!], who takes off her headphones to tell Conan [Which they all annoying pronounce with emphasis on the ‘nan’ instead of just saying Co-nen] to piss off.

Evan and Curtis rehash the story amid brief flashbacks to the first episode, but Julia and Conan think he’s just talking shit. We learn that these three newcomers have just been at camp together before we move back to the cargo hold, where Triggers continue to bark at the overflowing suitcase of Monster Blood.

As the kids are served their airline dinners, Curtis flags down a stewardess because he most likely can’t eat it due to an incredibly long list of allergies that he rattles off. Julia explains that at camp, all he at was “parsnip juice and tofu”, which Curtis defends isn’t that bad as he pours into into a cup from his thermos [It looks and sounds fucking disgusting] and takes a sip [This is never brought up again lol].

Evan strikes up a conversation with Julia and they flirt a little as she explains that she goes to school with Curtis and Co-nan in Atlanta, although they don’t hang out or anything [Is it weird that three kids flew to a different state for camp? I feel like it’s weird]. Evan wonders if he’ll be going to the same school as them [Is Atlanta that small? What are the odds of that?], and Julia even offers to show him around [This is now an JuliEvan stan blog].

Meanwhile, the captain of the plane senses something bumping around in the cargo hold and sends down a flight attendant to check. The flight attendant finds that the light isn’t working down there, but luckily he’s got a flashlight! Everyone’s luggage is strewn about and there’s puddles of Monster Blood everywhere [Why didn’t the Monster Blood just eat the luggage?], although he has no idea what it is, of course. As he goes to touch one such puddle, green slime drips onto his hand, and he looks up just in time to see a blob of Monster Blood ready to attack [It’s a standard horror movie shot, which is nice to see here! Also The Monster Blood looks like someone with diarrhea lolll].

Elsewhere, Conan causes a scene by putting an ant down Curtis’ shirt before the stewardess scolds the kids for disturbing all the other passengers, threatening to get the captain back here to talk to them [What’s the captain gonna do?]. As the kids settle back into their seats, we see the ant having a taste of a suspicious pile of green slime [Is the ant gonna grow as big as Trigger did? This won’t go down well on a plane. Or maybe because an ant is so tiny already it’ll only grow to Trigger’s original size!].

A random man then enters the plane’s lavatory to freshen up, and then washes his face with soap from the dispenser [Yuck, don’t do that!]. The fool gets soap in his eye and with his eyes closed, he puts his hand under the tap for some water. As he wets his face, we see that he’s washing away the soap with Monster Blood [Water and Monster Blood have very different consistencies, how does he not realise something is up?].

10 minutes later a line is forming outside the lavatory, including Evan who just so happens to notice some Monster Blood creeping out from under the door before slipping back in. Horrified, Evan alerts the stewardess that there’s Monster Blood on the plane [As if she knows what that is] and wants her to tell the captain to land the plane right now [Hahaha that’s not how planes work, champ]. The stewardess leads Evan back to his seat, warning him that “causing panic on an aircraft is a federal offence”, but an undeterred Evan continues to rant and rave about the Monster Blood on the plane, attracting the attention of the other passengers.

The flight attendant returns to the lavatory and unlocks the door when the man inside fails to answer her knocks. Evan ducks for cover, anticipating the Monster Blood to be in attack mode, but there was no need for that because it’s completely devoid of Monster Blood or the man, and no-one notices his broken spectacles on the floor [And no-one seems at all concerned that the man they know was in there is nowhere to be seen?].

Despite his protests, Evan is marched back to his seat by the stewardess as he points out that the man is missing and the lavatory door was locked from the inside [Not sure why she didn’t think of this herself], which she agrees is strange. When logical Julia wonders how Monster Blood could have even gotten on the plane in the first place, Curtis theorises that some could have made it into Evan’s suitcase [Which is the most logical explanation, Julia…].

The stewardess suddenly realises her male counterpart hasn’t returned from the cargo hold and upon opening hatch leading to it, she finds the underside covered in Monster Blood, which then attempts to get through the hatch as she fights to keep it closed. This altercation is overheard by some people in line for the toilet, who investigate to find nothing but some remnants of green slime and the stewardess’ shoes.

Meanwhile, some other guy who’s laptop has gone missing on the flight [Did the Monster Blood take it? Why?] notices some green goo seeping through a crack in the floor, so what does  he do He touches it [You are an idiot, my dude] and is quickly consumed [I don’t really get how because it’s the smallest puddle ever, but let’s go with it].

Evan’s absolutely positive there’s Monster Blood afoot because he both saw and heard it, describing the slurping noise to the others – ‘”once you’ve hear it, you never forget.”‘ That unforgettable slurping is then heard by everyone on the plane as slowly, all the passengers are consumed by the Monster Blood, leaving the kids all alone.

Julia, Conan and Curtis realise Evan really has been telling the truth as a now-gigantic blob of Monster Blood oozes down the aisle towards them. Instead of forming some kind of plan, Conan just wants to argue with Evan about bringing the Monster Blood onboard, but eventually they separate, hoping to confuse it. Conan throws things at the Monster Blood [Which is stupid because we know it grows bigger as it consumes thing?], and when the blob swallows a record player, Curtis realises that it’s attracted to movement [But it was moving in that direction anyway, so of course it was going to consume it?].

The kids continue to throw stuff at the blob, including a plate of airline food, which makes the Monster Blood throw up some of the stuff it’s swallowed [No people though]! The food cart is at the back of the plane, however, and since climbing over the seats out of the question since the blob will sense his movement, a reluctant Curtis is forced to climb through the overhead baggage, since he’s the smallest [Skinny legend!].

He falls out the other side when the plane hits some turbulence, grabbing the Monster Blood’s attention. Curtis is their only hope of beating this thing, so Conan bravely sacrifices himself to the blob. With the Monster Blood distracted by its new meal, Evan runs down the aisle to Curtis and the boys push the food trolley into the Monster Blood as it heads for Julia.

The captain, oblivious to the plight of his passengers, announces of the PA system that they’ll be landing soon as the big, bad blob vomits once again, and all its previously swallowed victims are regurgitated from their gooey prison [You’d think they would have suffocated or something, though], including Trigger [I’m surprised it was the airline food and not Curtis’ rank parsnip juice and tofu concoction that saves the day].

A short time later, security officers collect what remains of the Monster Blood from the plane as the passengers depart. Conan and Curtis are now besties for life after their traumatic experience, while Julia gives Evan her number [Ooh la la!]. Silly Evan has forgotten his jacket, though, and as he goes back for it, he finds the now-giant ant and screams in horror as the episode ends.

Final thoughts

I enjoyed this one more than the first Monster Blood – it was like a watered-down horror movie, and since the passengers were getting consumed by the blob, it had a sense of danger that we didn’t really get in the previous episode. I’m confused about how Monster Blood got into Evan’s suitcase when evidently, all traces of it vanished when Sarabeth was consumed, but oh well! I also feel like Curtis’ parsnip juice and tofu should have been the real hero of the day, since I imagine it is considerably more disgusting than airline food.

As I said in the first episode, it feels like that one was more of a set-up for this story, and with more of the horror elements here, I enjoyed it more, so 64 vomiting blobs of Monster Blood out of 99!

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