Goosebumps: Attack of the Mutant Part 2

We pick up immediately where Part 1 left off, except now the Masked Mutant turns out to just be Libby with a cardboard cut-out [It was definitely the Masked Mutant before lol].

He tries to show her the folders but they’ve vanished, and Libby’s impatient to leave after finding another elevator. Outside, Libby heads home, but after Skipper glances towards the headquarters and then back the way Libby went, she’s completely disappeared [Which is super suspicious because there’s nowhere else to go but forward…].

At dinner that night, Skipper’s vision briefly distorts, as if he’s seeing things through some kind of comic book filter [It’s kinda cool]. At school the next day, Skipper tells Wilson about exploring the headquarters and feels like he doesn’t even know what’s real anymore [Mental illness starting early :(]. After school, there’s a new ‘Masked Mutant’ issue waiting for him at home depicting ‘”a new foe for the Masked Mutant”‘ – Skipper himself! The pages also show the Galloping Gazelle tied up, declaring ‘”Only the boy can save the world from the Masked Mutant’s evil”‘.

He tries to show his parents, but Dad’s cutting onions for dinner and can’t see anything through his tears so Skipper catches the bus for like the 19875857477298th time. It’s night now, so when the bus driver drops him off at the usual spot, he warns Skipper to be careful, but unbeknownst to our hero, it’s really the Mutant in disguise [I’m so confused about how easily this guy can just can integrate himself into the real world. Like, how is he suddenly a bus driver? Hahaha].

Back in the headquarters, Skipper explores the basement some more and eventually stumbles on the Galloping Gazelle tied to a chair! Skipper unties him and they head upstairs to the Masked Mutant’s control room, where they wait for the villain to arrive. Gazelle takes a seat, which soon turns out to be the Mutant in disguise, and soon the Gazelle decides he’s too old for this stuff and leaves [So a superhero is going to leave a little boy to face the villain? What the hell was the point of his character lol].

Skipper also attempts to leave but when the door opens, Libby’s on the other side. She quickly reveals herself to be the Masked Mutant in disguise [Again, what was the point of this scene? Like, Skipper was already in the room with the Mutant just now?]. Masked Mutant explains how Skipper’s the perfect foe for his stories because he knows everything about him, and now he’s going to destroy him. He reveals Skipper isn’t real anymore, that the electric jolt thingy Skipper felt when he entered the building for the first time was a scanner, and now he’s a comic book character too [OK, I think the Masked Mutant is real and creating comics about himself, right?].

Skipper declares he’s actually the Colossal Elastic Boy, not Skipper, thinking the Mutant will let him go, but the villain also wants Elastic Boy dead so that was a bad idea! Skipper claims the only thing that’ll defeat Elastic Boy is sulphuric acid, which is exactly what the Masked Mutant shapeshifts into. Skipper reveals his plan worked – the Mutant can turn back to normal from solid objects, but if he turns into liquid, he dies [So he just forgot what I’m assuming is his only weakness?? OK….] and victory is Skipper’s as the villain melts into the floor.

At home the next day, Mum notices ink all over Skipper’s hand and as she tries to scrub it off at the sink, it’s revealed Skipper really has become Elastic Boy and the book ends.

Final thoughts

I’m not really into superhero stuff, so this wasn’t my cup of tea, but it was alright I guess. The 90s CGI is pretty funny. I feel like some things could have been explained better – I think the Masked Mutant creates the comics about himself, which mirrors his real life shenanigans or something? I don’t know, it’s weird and it didn’t hold my interest so I probably wasn’t paying enough attention.

The Galloping Gazelle and the Libby disguise felt unnecessary, but I guess they needed to fill the episode with something. Also, how was the Mutant on top of the bus in full costume, but then he was also inside the bus disguised as Libby??? Now that I think about it this episode was stupid.

47 invisibility curtains out of 119.

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